We have added 17 piobaireachds and 408 tunes to our music library, which brings the totals up to 182 piobaireachds and 2,419 tunes. The 408 tunes include compositions from some brilliant modern composers: Major A.M. Cairns, Bruce Gandy, Ann Gray, Iain MacDonald, Capt. John A. MacLellan, P/M Robert Mathieson, Fred Morrison, Bob Worrall and many others. When you purchase tunes from our extensive library you receive the written music in both BMW and PDF format plus credits towards the purchase of reeds. You also receive a recording of Jack Lee playing the tune on the full Highland Bagpipe. We keep track of the tunes purchased and our composers receive royalties for their music. Each of the composers mentioned above have published books of their compositions. If you download and enjoy their music we in no way are discouraging you from purchasing their books. Quite the opposite, please purchase their books! They are filled with wonderful music and would make excellent additions to any piper’s music collection.